Frequently Asked Questions

UBA Mobile Banking App and Answers

  1. Go to Google play on Android or Apple Store IOS and Search for UBA Mobile Banking, Download and Install to your device.
  1. Open the UBA Mobile Banking App change the country section from Nigeria to Liberia and click the sign up button. Make sure you have a debit card for your account or a Visa prepaid card to begin the process.
  2. Choose Sign up using Card when you click the sign up button
  3. Enter your account details
  4. Enter your Card Details
  5. Validate your Account information
  6. Enter the OPT sent to your Mobile Phone after the Validating your account details
  7. Enter your desired username and password for logging in the Mobile App, make sure you read the password requirement.
  8. Enter your desired six-digit transaction PIN (this will be used to complete a transfer and reset your password when forgotten)

Login to the your UBA Mobile Banking App. On the dashboard, click on the transfer, look for other transfer and select card.Select the account you are transfer the money from, enter your Visa Prepaid card detail as requested, enter the amount, the description and click the transfer button to complete the transfer.